Author: Herman Barker

Berlin (29/1 – 66.67). The Federal Government protects freedom of expression and emphasises the outstanding importance of independent media and fact checks by civil society. However, the Federal Government takes a firm stance against the deliberate dissemination of false information. Below are examples of disinformation which the Russian government is continually spreading via various platforms, including in Germany, in connection with its war of aggression against Ukraine. The Federal Government provides the facts to confront this disinformation. The usual claims are debunked by the German government. The range from the incredible to the laughable. Here the top five examples: Claim:…

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Camille, thank you very much and congratulations on taking on this new role. We’re thrilled to have your skill and capability dedicated to this important project and the work that you’re going to be doing in public diplomacy. Friends, look, it is a pleasure to be with you here today to highlight the USA Pavilion at Expo 2025 in Osaka, but before we get started to talk about this I do have a brief statement I’d like to make. We’ll be taking questions later today, but just want to put this on the record if we can. So we are watching the…

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The Union of Shopping Centres (STTs) estimates that half of the country’s shopping centres are facing high debt burdens. Many have taken out loans with floating rates, which creates a risk of widespread bankruptcies. Marina Malakhatko, a senior director at the consulting firm CORE.XP, told the Russian media outlet Kommersant that at least 200 shopping malls will be at risk of bankruptcy in 2025. She said some owners are already looking to sell their assets. Debt servicing has become even tougher after Russia‘s Central Bank was forced to hike interest rates to 21 percent – the highest level in over 20 years. The…

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US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are set to speak on Thursday in their first phone call since an Israeli strike on a humanitarian convoy killed seven aid workers in Gaza. Biden has led a chorus of international anger over the attack on employees of US-based World Central Kitchen, who were distributing desperately needed food to a population on the verge of famine. “I can confirm President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu will speak tomorrow,” a US official told AFP on Wednesday. The call comes after Biden said he was “outraged and heartbroken” by the deadly…

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Moscow (28/2). Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that non-governmental organizations in Central Asia have stepped up their anti-Russian activities amid the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army. Shoigu said this at the board of the Russian Ministry of Defense on February 27. According to him, there are more than 100 “large pro-Western non-governmental organisations” operating in Central Asia, which have more than 16,000 representative offices and branches. “Against the backdrop of the special military operation, these NGOs have significantly increased their anti-Russian activities in order to reduce military-technical, economic and cultural cooperation between the Central Asian states and Russia.…

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Belize, a small yet mesmerizing country nestled on the eastern coast of Central America, is a haven for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. While the azure waters of the Caribbean Sea and the ancient mysteries of Mayan ruins often steal the spotlight, the lush jungles of Belize remain an undiscovered gem waiting to be explored.For those seeking a unique and immersive experience, exploring Belize on horseback offers a thrilling journey into the heart of the jungle, providing an opportunity to connect with nature in a way that is both exhilarating and authentic. The Allure of Belize’s Jungles: Belize boasts a…

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JetBlue has launched its first service to Belize, becoming the only airline flying to the Central America destination from New York JFK. JetBlue’s inaugural flight between JFK and Belize City, operated with an Airbus A320, departed Wednesday. The carrier is flying the route three times per week. Belize is JetBlue’s 26th destination in the Caribbean and Latin America. Though no other airline serves Belize from JFK, JetBlue will compete against longstanding United flights between Newark and Belize. United flies the route twice weekly during the winter and weekly during the summer, with a pause during September and October, Cirium flight…

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Тhе Fооtbаll Fеdеrаtіоn оf Веlіzе (FFВ) аnnоunсеd оn Frіdау аftеrnооn, јuѕt ѕеvеn hоurѕ аhеаd оf thе Веlіzе Меn’ѕ Nаtіоnаl Теаm (ВМNТ) gаmе аgаіnѕt Frеnсh Guіаnа, thаt іt wаѕ сuttіng mіdfіеldеr Lаtrеll Міddlеtоn “еffесtіvе іmmеdіаtеlу”, but thе FFВ асtuаllу drорреd Міddlеtоn оn Тhurѕdау. Тhе FFВ ѕаіd Міddlеtоn wаѕ bеіng drорреd fоr nоt wаntіng tо trаvеl tо Grеnаdа fоr Тuеѕdау’ѕ mаtсh аgаіnѕt Ѕt Vіnсеnt аnd thе Grеnаdіnеѕ, nоt wаntіng tо undеrgо а рrореr mеdісаl аѕѕеѕѕmеnt аftеr сlаіmіng hе wаѕ іnјurеd аnd nееdеd twо wееkѕ rеѕt, fоr rеfuѕіng а ѕubѕеquеnt mеdісаl аѕѕеѕѕmеnt wіth а сеrtіfіеd muѕсulоѕkеlеtаl dосtоr ѕресіаlіzеd іn ѕроrtѕ іnјurіеѕ lіkе оthеr…

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Тhе Веlіzе Ніgh Ѕсhооl оf Аgrісulturе (ВНЅА) іn Оrаngе Wаlk rесеіvеd 600 tіlаріа fіngеrlіngѕ frоm thе Міnіѕtrу оf Аgrісulturе, Fооd Ѕесurіtу, аnd Еntеrрrіѕе (МАFЅЕ) оn Wеdnеѕdау. Тhе fіngеrlіngѕ wіll bе uѕеd fоr thе ѕсhооl’ѕ nеw аquасulturе рrоgrаm, whісh wаѕ lаunсhеd thіѕ асаdеmіс уеаr wіth а dоnаtіоn оf thrее роndѕ frоm thе Веlіzе Маrkеtіng & Dеvеlорmеnt Соrроrаtіоn lаѕt Јunе. Тhе рrіnсіраl оf ВНЅА, Аbеl Сеlіz, ассерtеd thе fіngеrlіngѕ frоm Міguеl Ѕоѕа, МАFЅЕ Аquасulturе Сооrdіnаtоr. Тhе dеlіvеrу wаѕ аlѕо wіtnеѕѕеd bу ѕtаff frоm thе Unіtеd Кіngdоm’ѕ Сеntrе fоr Еnvіrоnmеnt, Fіѕhеrіеѕ аnd Аquасulturе Ѕсіеnсе (СЕFАЅ), whо аrе сurrеntlу іn Веlіzе tо аѕѕіѕt thе…

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Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson said Pennsylvania Congressman Scott Perry played a key role in helping former President Trump craft his plan to stay in office following his 2020 election loss. During an episode of WITF’s The Spark on Wednesday, Hutchinson told host Scott Lamar that Perry was “central to the planning of Jan. 6,” referring to Trump’s plan to stay in office – despite losing the 2020 Election. She also reiterated that Perry asked Trump for a pardon following the attack on the U.S. Capitol. “And central to the planning of operating the Justice Department officials to execute a…

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