Author: Marshall Jennings

That’s how Chris Hipkins wanted his meeting with Xi Jinping on Tuesday to be remembered. The New Zealand Prime Minister deployed the ‘warm and constructive’ phrase at least eight times in a subsequent press conference with New Zealand media. Hipkins was also keen to note that ‘the meeting was at no point adversarial’. This served to reinforce the impression of warmth. It also matched with opening public comments by Xi, who said Hipkins’ visit was of ‘great significance’. Xi pointed to the ‘tangible benefits to the two peoples’ that had emerged since China entered into a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with New Zealand in 2014.…

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UNESCO announced Monday that the United States plans to rejoin the U.N. cultural and scientific agency — and pay more than $600 million in back dues — after a decade-long dispute sparked by the organization’s move to include Palestine as a member. U.S. officials say the decision to return was motivated by concern that China is filling the gap left by the U.S. in UNESCO policymaking, notably in setting standards for artificial intelligence and technology education around the world. The move will face a vote by UNESCO’s member states in the coming weeks. But approval seems a formality after the resounding applause…

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A zoo in South Dakota has welcomed a litter of critically endangered red wolf pups — a litter vital to the existence of the species with only an estimated two dozen left existing in the wild. The Great Plains Zoo in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, said that they were “thrilled to announce the births of six critically endangered red wolves” on Thursday in a statement on the zoo’s website. The six pups — two females and four males — were born to first-time parents Camelia and Uyosi, who only arrived at the Great Plains Zoo in October of last year…

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A new study from researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles found some good news for cannabis smokers: one of the major risks associated with tobacco smoking isn’t connected with marijuana. The study, “Impact of Marijuana Smoking on COPD Progression in a Cohort of Middle-Aged and Older Persons,” was published in the journal “Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases” this month. The researchers compared groups of people who currently, used to or have never smoked marijuana as part of the longitudinal research. Many of the subjects were studied for more than four years. “Neither former nor current marijuana smoking of any…

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SUNRISE, Fla. — The Carolina Hurricanes are on the ropes after dropping Game 3 of the Eastern Conference finals against the Florida Panthers 1-0 on Monday. A sensational 32-save performance from Panthers goaltender Sergei Bobrovsky — in the first postseason shutout of his career — did most of the damage in Carolina’s loss, which put the Hurricanes in a 3-0 hole. Still, the defeat didn’t come without some controversy. The Hurricanes trailed 1-0 late in the third period when forward Sam Reinhart — who scored the game’s only goal on a second-period power play — appeared to high stick Carolina defenseman Shayne Gostisbehere in the face. That was right before Panthers…

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Ву Вrеаkіng Веlіzе Nеwѕ Ѕtаff: Ѕаn Реdrо rеѕіdеnt Јоhn Сuz wіl bе ѕреndіng thе nехt еіght уеаrѕ оf hіѕ lіfе аѕ а Наttіvіllе rеѕіdеnt, аftеr bеіng ѕеntеnсеd tо еіght уеаrѕ аt thе Веlіzе Сеntrаl Рrіѕоn fоr а сhаrgе оf rаре. Сuѕ, 43, wаѕ ѕеntеnсеd tоdау іn thе Ніgh Соurt оf Веlіzе bу Јuѕtісе Аntоіnеttе Мооrе іn rеlаtіоn tо thе іnсіdеnt whісh оссurrеd bасk іn 2018. Тhе 25-уеаr-оld vісtіm tеѕtіfіеd thаt ѕhе wоkе uр tо Сuѕ, thе саrеtаkеr оf thе mоtеl ѕhе wаѕ ѕtауіng аt, оn tор оf hеr іn thе еаrlу mоrnіng hоurѕ. Не wаѕ fоund guіltу оf rаре оn…

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On March 13, Joe Biden and British and Australian leaders unveiled a major deal on nuclear-powered submarines for the Australian Navy. For Alain Oudot de Dainville and Alain Bovis, from the Naval Academy, the European Union is thus marginalized. As announced eighteen months ago, the three partners of the AUKUS pact (United States, United Kingdom, Australia) unveiled on March 13 from the American naval base in San Diego, the architecture of their future cooperation on nuclear-powered submarines. The White House press release, while giving the tenor of this program, the gigantic scope of which only appears the better, expresses a certain number of conditions,…

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Sean Ambrose emphasized that by the time nuclear submarines are set afloat (in the late 2030s – early 2040s), the technologies used in their construction will become obsolete and the world will enter what he described as “the age of autonomous vessels and AI” SYDNEY – The military alliance AUKUS (a trilateral alliance of Australia, Britain and the United States) pursues the aims of the United States and Britain, and also serves the purpose of enriching their military-industrial complex, an Australian military expert, retired Defense Ministry officer Sean Ambrose, told TASS in an interview on Monday. He is certain that…

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Brussels, Berlin (21/3 – 42.86) Tajikistan, a small fragile country in Central Asia, has been facing a multitude of issues in recent years. With a population of just over 9 million, the country has been plagued by corruption, crimes against humanity, violation of human rights, and impoverishment of the people. The neighboring Taliban regime in Kabul is threatening Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan over water resources with constructing a 258-kilometer Kosh Tepa canal. The hydraulic dam structure will deplete the central Asian states water resources. War preparations are continuously reported in local central Asian news outlet after defense ministers from the region…

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